Hygieniapassi.netHygiene proficiency tests


Mustanlahdenkatu 19 C, Tampere.  – Ground floor. Close to library Metso.

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Self-study material

You can find reading material for Your studies at the public libraries. Ask reading material for the “hygieniapassi”.

Hygiene proficiency tests and courses in Tampere

Course registration: Register online, by email, or send SMS to 050-3450142
Prices: Test – 60€, including hygiene pass and card plus mailing to you.

Food proficiency test (hygieniatesti)

Tests will be arranged in Tampere according to the schedule on the left. You have to register to the test in advance. Remember to take your ID (EU) or passport with You when you come to the test. If  you don’t find a suitable day for you, or you have an urgent need  for the Hygieniapassi, we will arrange a special test  for you. You will find study material for the test in the common libraries (like Main library Metso here in Tampere).  Ask for material at the info desk; material for the “Hygieniapassi” in English. 

Training courses

We will also offer introductory training courses in English. If  you want more information on this, please, don’t hesitate to ask more by e mail hygienpassi@hygieniapassi.net